
Rising food prices seem like a strange phenomenon given advances in agriculture. Growing strawberries should be as easy as growing grass. Let’s find a way to achieve this from above, using readily available electronic parts paired with state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI).

What does it take?

A vision for a suite of affordable robots, suitable for smaller home installations or larger industrial ones, starts with research in market needs and investment into solutions to meet those needs.

In addition to the base unit a range of tools can be connected to perform varying tasks such as:

  • Security camera and lighting
  • Cutting grass
  • Killing weeds
  • Pest/bird avoidance
  • Insect eradication
  • Measuring soil health
  • Targeted watering of plants
  • Trimming hedges and trees
  • Fruit picking and gathering

Join the team or invest options

Despite trying to keep things lean, this effort will require:

  • Seed investors
  • Gardeners
  • Salespeople
  • Scientists
  • Engineers
  • Designers
  • Technicians
  • Lawyers
  • Accountants
  • Managers
  • Contractors and more…

Just get in touch with us!